Company Name Snack Name
Nestle Baby Ruth
Nestle Butterfinger
Nestle Crunch Bar
Nestle 100Grand
Wonka (Nestle) Sweetarts
Wonka (Nestle) Bottle Caps
Wonka (Nestle) Laffy Taffy
Wonka (Nestle) Nerds
Wonka (Nestle) Pixy Stix
Wonka (Nestle) Bit O Honey
Wonka (Nestle) Gobstoppers
Wonka (Nestle) Fruit Runts
Wonka (Nestle) Fun Dips
ConAgra Fiddle Faddle
ConAgra Crunch & Munch
ConAgra Poppy Cock
Kellogg’s Rice Krispie Treats
Kellogg’s Fruity Snacks
Kellogg’s Pop Tarts
Kellogg’s Famous Amos Cookies
Kellogg’s Austin Peanut Butter Crackers
Kellogg’s Austin Cheese Crackers
Kellogg’s Keebler Brand Cookies
PepsiCo (Frito Lay) Cheetos
PepsiCo (Frito Lay) Dorritos
PepsiCo Grandma’s Cookies
Note: Any products made by Nestle, Kellogg’s, PepsiCo (Frito Lay), and ConAgra (even if not listed above) are good choices as they are all members of the RSPO.
Products made by Hershey’s and Mars are not orangutan friendly choices, as they are not members of the RSPO. Both companies have products that are consumer favorites like Snickers, Three Musketeers, Heath Bars, Reese Peanut Butter Cups, M & M’s and many more. If one of your favorite candy bars is produced by Mars or Hershey’s, take action by writing a letter and asking them to join the RSPO and be committed to using certified sustainable palm oil.
If you do not find your favorite snack/company on this list, take action by writing a letter and asking the company to join the RSPO and be committed to using certified sustainable palm oil. For a sample letter and more information on how you can Make a Difference for Wild Orangutans visit: www.cmzoo.org/conservation/PalmOilCrisis.
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