Monday, June 17, 2013

Teen L.E.A.D.E.R.S.

Lead by Educating with Activities and Demonstrations on the Environment, Resources and Sciences

Sea Lion Cove: Through the Eyes of a Teen L.E.A.D.E.R.

Sea Lion Cove is a breathtaking exhibit. Although it's been open for months, I still can't get past that feeling of awe every time I wander its paths. The sights and sounds, all true to nature, are truly captivating. The only thing better than simply walking through Sea Lion Cove itself is the experience of leading an activity station cart there.

As a Teen L.E.A.D.E.R., I've had the opportunity to teach zoo guests at these carts through fun, yet educational activities and games. Topics range from the life cycle of a frog to the classification of mammals and fish. 

At Sea Lion Cove we theme activities around the animals that live there. As a guest holds a pelican skull replica and learns about its unique beak, they can turn around and see a living example. As another guest examines seal & sea lion puppets to compare their differences, they can tell me about the behaviors they  just saw the animals do. Being close to the animals we're talking about brings our guests a whole new understanding. It makes sense why committing to becoming more environmentally conscious is important and why our animals are so worth protecting. Being a part of this learning environment is a truly rewarding experience.

- Kaitlynn Webster,   Teen LEADER  

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