Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Teen L.E.A.D.E.R.S

Lead by Educating with Activities and Demonstrations on the Environment, Resources and Sciences

Paying It Forward

As a Teen LEADER veteran, I’ve had the opportunity to participate in truly unique experiences that make for great memories. I’ve traveled, canoed, and cleaned up local rivers, but no experience has been more rewarding than working the Activity Station cart. Through working with young zoo visitors at the cart, I’ve learned that the true basis of making a change is simple—interaction and influence. It is there, during the hot summer, at the zoo, behind the cart where I feel closest to the cause of inspiring people to help our environment in simple, everyday ways.
As a student, a daughter, and a teenager, I’m always being taught and always being influenced—never really influencing. Sure, I’m getting smarter and growing wiser every day, but what good are knowledge and wisdom if they are never shared? When I’m out at the cart, sharing my experience, knowledge, and awareness with both children and parents alike, I feel like it’s all worth something. Last Tuesday, my friend Sam and I were at the cart doing a simple activity that illustrates the function of blubber using a glove filled with Crisco and ice water. A small figurine of a harbor seal sat on the cart, which drew the attention of a very young girl. Before the activity, I asked her what animal it was. Without hesitation, she said, “Pacific harbor seal”. I was shocked—this girl was still in diapers! Her interest and specificity at such a young age inspired me to share what I know with children even more.

Similar to our cart activities, the childhood stories’ ability to simplify complicated morals and concepts that are growing more and more complex with time astounds me. I take these concepts to heart, and love the simplicity with which I am able to educate children on unfortunate issues that generations of today will leave in their hands to fix.
Stay Young,
Hunter Laningham

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